What is List Fields ?
List Fields is a Lotus Notes-based tool which has these objectives:
- Be an alternative to Document Properties. You have always been able to see fields in Notes document either through the Notes-form or via the Document Properties. Not all fields are necessary available or visible in the Notes form, so you may need to use the Document Properties. However, the Fields-list in the small Document Properties are small, and it generally feels to small to navigate in if you have many fields. List Fields wants to be an alternative to Document Properties.
- List fields in any Notes document. You will see the fields, types and other field information. Up to 10 documents can be open at the same time
- Edit field names-, types, flags and content directly in List Fields in an easy, intuitive and powerful way. List Fields supports text, text list, number, number list, time/date and time/date field types.
- Show details of the currently selected database, document and field
- Show the content of the fields, including rich text content such as fonts, decorations, inline images, tables etc.
- Show the fields in a table, which you control completely. You can locate, sort, order and group fields to your own preferences.
- If field content is different between documents, List Fields will easily identify these fields with a different row color. This makes it really easy to spot which fields differs between documents!
- Aid you in resolving so-called replication or save conflicts. When you open a document which is a part of a replication or save conflict, List Fields will detect this and offer you to open the other participants as well. This makes it real easy to spot the differences between the conflict-participants. You can also open the Notes documents themselves from within List Fields.
Finally you can let List Fields resolve the conflict for you! - Show additional descriptive information about known $Fields. When you encounter fields such as $Mailer, $UpdatedBy, $MsgTrackFlags and so forth, you will instantly know the purpose of these fields.
- Launch List Fields from either view- or document context. This is achieved by enabling the tool as a so-called Lotus Notes-menu addin. This makes List Fields available through the Actions-menu in the Notes client. You can also launch List Fields directly from the operating system, via for example an icon, short-cut or system wide key combination.
- Export the field list with information to other formats such as XML or Excel.
- Copy the content to the clipboard. Both text and HTML format supported!
- Easily save or open images and attachments from your documents, including Notes own internal bitmaps, GIF and JPEG.
- Easily save or open OLE attachments from your documents.
- Open Notes documents containing MIME, and see each component of the MIME message. This includes the ability to open HTML parts and save and open image elements!
- Use a modern user interface, which let you control the position and size of every component. You can easily drag and drop the output and detail areas to their own windows, or let the be integrated in the user interface.
- Act as a successor to the old NNTEDIFF.DLL tool. Lotus Notes release 3 and 4 was shipped with an undocumented tool named NNTEDIFF. This tool enabled you to compare two documents. It had its issues, but was great for it's limited use.