Messages Preferences
Many messages in List Fields can be turned off, if you feel you don't need to see them. The purpose of this is not to annoy you with unnecessary messages.
In order to be able to retrieve the once hidden messages, you can control all messages from this preference page:

The messages has been grouped together in Error-, Warning- and Debugging messages.
Error messages:
- E005: The Notes database can't be opened
- E006: The Notes document hasn't been saved yet
Warning messages:
- W001: Have you saved the Notes document ?
- W002: The size of all attachments combined is too large for high quality rendering
- W003: The size of one the attachments is too large for quality rendering
- W004: Can't save or open attachments right now
Editing data messages:
- Q001: Do you want to save your changes ?
- Q002: Do you want to delete the currently selected field ?
Debugging messages:
- I003: List Fields Debugging Database about to be created
- I004: List Fields Debugging Database has been created.
To understand what each message mean, please see each message.